Environmental Policy and Sustainability initiatives
HÜBNER Photonics recognises the impact of its activities on the environment and strives to lead the industry in minimising this impact on daily basis wherever possible. We also recognise the earth is precious and therefore make further efforts to ensure our contribution to the photonics market is sustainable, so that future generations will be able to enjoy the same standards as we do today.
The key points in the strategy are:
- We follow the requirements in the EU Directive on Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
- We recycle wherever possible. Including all paper, plastics and other packaging material.
- A conscious decision was made to choose an electricity supplier who supplies electricity only from renewable energy sources.
- A conscious decision was also made to choose a cleaning service that uses environmentally approved cleaning agents.
- We try to reduce unnecessary consumption, especially of electricity and paper.
- We prefer to work with suppliers who are aware of their environmental impact and have an environmental policy.
- All our products are compliant with the EU Directive for Restriction of the use of Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS)
- Goods are shipped with a preference for low carbon emission methods of transport where realistic and carbon neutral shipments are made when possible.