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Holography Archives - HÜBNER Photonics


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Digital holographic microscopy with diode pumped lasers

Digital holographic microscopy enhances cytometry and histology

In recent years, quantitative phase imaging (QPI) has been continuously improved for purposes of high-resolution, label-free quantitative microscopy[1]. Label-free imaging has received increased attention in the last decade as a minimally invasive way to observe proteins and cells, and to study the behavior and properties of biological specimens with minimized modification and sample preparation. Using noninvasive techniques means samples under investigation are not influenced by fluorophores or dyes, which can change the physiological processes or behavior of samples by causing cellular motility or migration. Moreover, because QPI requires only low light intensities for object illumination, the potential harm light could cause to a sample is minimized. Low light is a precondition for the long-term monitoring of living cells because high doses of light radiation can cause cell death or photo damage.

Digital holographic microscopy (DHM)[2,3] is an interferometry-based variant of QPI that typically uses a laser as a coherent light source and provides QPI by detecting specimen-induced optical path length changes against the surrounding environment. DHM can be modularly integrated into common optical microscopes which allows its integration as a label-free imaging modality in research laboratories.

In DHM, reconstruction of digitally captured holograms is performed numerically by a computer. Thus, multifocus imaging of specimen parts in various layers is achieved — and even subsequent autofocusing from single captured digi­tal holograms — without the need for mechanical focus realignment5. This is advantageous for the correction of unpredictable focus drifts during long-term observations of living cells, or for imaging of cell movements in 3D environments such as collagen or gel matrices. In addition, DHM-based phase contrast imaging can simplify automated object tracking and image segmentation for quantification of cell migration and morphology by extraction of absolute biophysical parameters such as cellular volume, thickness, and dry mass1. Moreover, the evaluation of quantitative DHM phase images provides access to optical parameters such as the cellular refractive index, which is related to the cellular water content, intracellular solute concentrations, and tissue density. This qualifies DHM as a viable label-free cytometry tool for the identification and characterization of tumors, blood, and stem cells in mixtures or composites; for time-lapse in vitro toxicity and drug testing; and for ex vivo histology of dissected tissues.

Digital holographic microscopy europhotonics setup

Lasers for digital holographic microscopy

The most important performance parameter requirement on a laser for DHM is the coherence length. By coherent this mean that all the light waves travel in synchronization i.e. they have the same period and phase, and this characteristic is found in truly single longitudinal mode (SLM) or single frequency (SF) lasers. The coherence length of a light source is directly correlated to the spectral linewidth of the emitted light (temporal coherence), as well as the homogeneity of the phase front over the beam cross section (spatial coherence). The distance the light needs to be coherent over in order to make an interference pattern is determined by the depth of field; the larger the depth of field the longer the coherence length that is needed. Regularly a coherence length of >1m is more than sufficient. However, typically a larger coherence length allows for more complex and flexible holographic setups.

Besides the coherence length, there are a few other parameters which are important to be considered when selecting a laser for DHM. The wavelength is not so critical so other visible colours could also be used. Direct light modulation at up to 10s Hz frequencies, as needed, for example, to minimize the light exposure to living biological specimens during time-lapse investigations. A directly modulated compact SLM laser is therefore highly attractive. Since fiber delivery simplifies the design, the beam pointing stability is important to avoid power fluctuations at the sample, as is the beam profile in order to maximise coupling efficiency.

Diode pumped laserDiod pumped laser

A Cobolt 06-DPL 532-nm laser operating at 25 mW or 50 mW output power and achieving more than 100 m of coherence length.


1. Y.K. Park et al. (2018). Quantitative phase imaging in biomedicine. Nat Photon, Vol. 12, pp. 578-589.
2. B. Kemper and G. von Bally (2008). Digital holographic microscopy for live cell applications and technical inspection. Appl Opt, Vol. 47, pp. A52-A61.
3. B. Kemper et al. (2019). Label-free quantitative in-vitro live cell imaging with digital holographic microscopy. In Bioanalytical Reviews. Vol. 2. J. Wegener, ed. Springer Nature Publishing: Basel, Switzerland.

Read the full article in EuroPhotonics 2019 here.

Digital holographic microscopy editorial


What laser is used for holography?

Choosing lasers for true colour or white light holograms

The single most important performance characteristic required when considering lasers for true colour holographic applications, also known as white light holograms, is long coherence length, in addition to good power stability, wavelength accuracy and stability, and, above all, excellent reliability.

Developments in laser technology, emulsions and illumination sources have also lead to drastic improvements in the white light holography, which is opening up new applications for holography related to ultra-realistic 3D replication of objects. The performance characteristics of the lasers used to write single or multi-color holograms or holographic optical elements (HOEs), whether as a master or in volume production, are critical.

What kind of laser is used for holography?

There are essentially 5 types of solid state laser technology which meet the need for long coherence length in order to write holograms or HOE´s. All offering unique wavelengths, either fixed or tunable and output powers from 10´s mW up to multiple watts:

  1. Frequency-converted diode-pumped SLM lasers (DPL or DPSS lasers)
  2. Tunable frequency-converted CW OPOs
  3. Single frequency or frequency stabilized diode lasers
  4. Frequency converted fiber lasers
  5. Pulsed solid state lasers

Laser performance requirements

By far the most important performance requirement on the laser for writing a hologram or HOE is the coherence length. A hologram can more technically be described as a photograph of the light field including its phase content. In order to record the phase content of the light field, the source needs to be coherent. By coherent we mean that all the light waves travel in synchronization i.e., they have the same period and phase, and this characteristic is found in truly single longitudinal mode (SLM) or single frequency (SF) lasers. The coherence length of a light source is directly correlated to the spectral bandwidth of the emitted light (temporal coherence) and the homogeneity of the phase front over the beam cross section (spatial coherence). The distance the light needs to be coherent over in order to make an interference pattern is determined by the depth of field; the larger the depth of field the longer the coherence length that is needed. In general, a coherence length of >1m is more than sufficient.

In addition to coherence length, there are a few other parameters which are important to consider. The table below discusses each laser specification in more detail:What laser for holography

Table 1. Important laser performance characteristics for writing holograms.

The single most important performance characteristic required is long coherence length, in addition good power stability, wavelength accuracy and stability and above all excellent reliability. Make sure the laser you choose has a long warranty and is made to the highest of standards within the solid state laser manufacturing world. All lasers from HÜBNER Photonics are made in clean room environments and using our proprietary HTCure manufacturing to ensure ultimate robustness.

Read the full article on Novus Light 2018…

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