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News - Page 6 of 15 - HÜBNER Photonics


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Helmholtz doctoral award winner

HÜBNER Photonics would like to congratulate Dr. Valeria Perseo from Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in Greifswald for receiving the Helmholtz Doctoral Award 2020 for her doctoral thesis on “Impurity flow measurements with Coherence-Imaging Spectroscopy at Wendelstein 7-X”!

With the PhD prize, the Helmholtz Association recognizes outstanding achievements during the doctoral phase. The award is intended to encourage students to pursue a scientific career path. For this purpose, financial support for a six-month research stay abroad is available in addition to the doctoral award, which is endowed with 5000 € for scientific applications.

Dr. Valeria Perseo employed the C-WAVE tunable laser as a calibration source for her Coherence-Imaging Spectrometers (CIS). She wrote in an article published in Review of Scientific Instruments ( “The use of the C-WAVE laser improved the flexibility, precision, and stability of our CIS diagnostic, allowing us to monitor and measure the system response with little use of simulations and opening up testing possibilities unexplored before.”

We thank Dr. Valeria Perseo for the kind and inspiring collaboration, and we wish her all the best for her future career path!

Video (Valeria’s contribution starting at 10:46 min):

Further References:


Webinar – Novel Sources of Tunable laser light

In this webinar we will discuss the characteristics of state-of-the-art tunable CW OPO designs and describe tuning schemes that have been tailored for applications like color center research and other quantum technologies, nanophotonics, holography, high resolution spectroscopy, and experiments alike. Several recently published studies in these fields will be discussed in an illustrative fashion to showcase the performance of CW OPOs in the real-world laboratory.

Date: Thursday August 12th. Now on-demand!

Time: 10 AM EDT, 3 PM BST, 16:00 CEST

Hosted by Physics World

You will learn about: 

-Basic introduction to widely tunable sources of continuous wave (CW) laser light

-Design principles and challenges of widely tunable CW optical parametric oscillators (OPOs)

-Strengths and current limitations of state-of-the-art OPO technology

As well as hearing customer case studies in quantum research (colour center research), holography and Raman spectroscopy

Read more on Physics World before registering

Button register for webinar


New editorial: Technology leaps in Quantum sensing

As seen in Photonics Views vol 4/2021

Read how our Cobolt 06-MLD 515 nm high performance diode lasers are critical components in Quantum sensing instrumentation and understand how the lasers fit into the Quantum sensors of the future.

Read the whole article button


and our own NIKLAS WAASEM.


Webinar – Multi-Line Lasers or Laser Combiners: What Solution Is Best for Fluorescence Imaging?

Watch on-demand! You are welcome to watch our webinar presented together with Photonics Media, Melissa Haahr and Helge Schmidt, Ph.D., of HÜBNER Photonics, present the relative advantages of multi-line lasers and laser combiners. We introduce the technology behind both solutions, with the aim to help identify the suitability of either solution for applications including light sheet microscopy, SIM, TIRF, STED, confocal microscopy, flow cytometry, and combined techniques.

Date: Thursday, June 17th, 2021 . Now available on-demand.

Fluorescence imaging is a key technique in both biomedical research and clinical diagnosis. Fluorescence-based microscopy for high-resolution and high-throughput multifluorophore imaging typically relies on the use of several individual laser sources at different wavelengths, within the same instrument.

Who should attend:
This webinar is intended for both researchers and instrument manufacturers who are interested in new solutions of lasers for their experiments or instrument design. This includes R&D scientists, engineers, project and production managers, and purchasers who work with laser systems for fluorescence imaging in various applications within biophotonics and medicine.

Please register and watch it on-demand


New editorial: Light Sheet Microscopy Enables 3D Pathology

Read how our Cobolt Skyra is helping pave 3D pathology – Biophotonics Magazine May/June issue

If you’re curious to learn about the impressive work and the potential of light sheet microscopy in clinical settings for improved cancer diagnosis and treatment you’ll enjoy our latest editorial!

We are very proud to have a collaboration with this group of researchers and are inspired by their work as well as these applications where our Cobolt lasers can have such a positive impact on people and the world. This group is highly referenced and respected in the world of light sheet microscopy – their use of our Cobolt Skyra in their microscopes and instruments.

The authors appreciate the work of the following people in the production of this article: Melissa Haahr HÜBNER Photonics, Nicholas Reder, M.D., CEO of Lightspeed Microscopy, and Jonathan Liu, professor at the University of Washington and director of its Molecular Biophotonics Laboratory.


Poster presentation CLEO: High-Power CW Optical Parametric Oscillator

Read our popular poster from CLEO

This year we presented a poster at CLEO with a great response from companies and universities.

Titel: High-Power CW Optical Parametric Oscillator Design for gap-free Wavelength Tuning across the Visible. Korbinian Hens et. al. May 13, 2021, Joint Poster Session III, JTh3A.37.

We present a tunable laser light source based on continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator technology with output powers at the Watt-level while providing a tuning range of more than 260 nm across the visible spectrum.

Read more about it by downloading the poster below:

poster High-Power CW Optical Parametric Oscillator

Download the poster HERE


Thanks for joining us at Laser Lounge webinar: Tues May 18

Join us for our spring Laser Lounge and celebrate Day of Light!

High performance lasers: What exactly do we mean?

Date: Tuesday May 18t

You’ll hear what we think defines a laser as high performance and see how we ensure our high performance lasers are actually high performance.

Join us for a virtual coffee for 30 min to listen to our Technical Quality Manager and CEO discuss high performance lasers, peak into our lab to see how we measure high performance lasers and have an opportunity to ask us questions. The perfect way to help us celebrate the International Day of Light on May 16th!

Watch it on demand

spring laser lounge_presenters

What is Laser Lounge? A webinar series to bring HÜBNER Photonics closer to you, our customers, since we love to talk lasers with you. We invite you in for a virtual coffee in a 30 min break to listen to some interesting laser discussions, see a live demonstration and have an opportunity to ask our experts questions. Boost your knowledge and share your experiences with other users and experts.

Learn more about laser lounge

Would you like to be a part of our laser world? Just sign up now!

Submit HERE


Webinar – Novel Sources of Tunable Laser Light

Title: Novel Sources of Tunable Laser Light

Date:  From June 10, 2021  (watch on-demand)
Duration: 40 mins

Watch on-demand

In this webinar we will discuss the characteristics of state-of-the-art tunable CW OPO designs and describe tuning schemes that have been tailored for applications like color center research and other quantum technologies, nanophotonics, holography, high resolution spectroscopy, and experiments alike. 

Together with: 

preseters webinar june 2021 new

You will learn about: 

-Basic introduction to widely tunable sources of continuous wave (CW) laser light

-Design principles and challenges of widely tunable CW optical parametric oscillators (OPOs)

-Strengths and current limitations of state-of-the-art OPO technology

Watch it on-demand and watch all the great questions in the end!


Celebrate the Day of light!

The International Day of Light is held on May 16th every year, the anniversary of the first successful operation of the laser in 1960 by physicist and engineer.

The laser is a perfect example of how a scientific discovery can yield revolutionary benefits to society in communications, healthcare and many other fields.

For interest, you can find here some of the laser history, but note that the International Day of Light is not just about lasers and science. It also includes aspects of art, culture, entertainment – everywhere light is present in fact!

We love lasers and will of course celebrate! This year together with you in our Laser lounge to discuss one of our favourite topics:

High performance lasers: What exactly do we mean?

Date: Tuesday May 18th
Time: 16:00 CEST (central européan summer time)

You’ll hear what we think defines a laser as high performance and see how we ensure our high performance lasers are actually high performance.

Join us for a virtual coffee for 30 min to listen to our Technical Quality Manager and CEO discuss high performance lasers, peak into our lab to see how we measure high performance lasers and have an opportunity to ask us questions. The perfect way to help us celebrate the International Day of Light on May 16th!

Register for laser lounge button 200x54

Read more about Day of Light

The aim of the International Day of Light is to:

  • Improve the public understanding of how light and light-based technologies touch the daily lives of everybody, and are central to the future development of the global society.

  • Build worldwide educational capacity through activities targeted on science for young people, addressing issues of gender balance, and focusing especially on developing countries and emerging economies.

  • Highlight and explain the intimate link between light and art and culture, enhancing the role of optical technology to preserve cultural heritage.

  • Enhance international cooperation by acting as a central information resource for activities coordinated by learned societies, NGOs, government agencies, educational establishments, industry, and other partners.

  • Emphasise the importance of basic research in the fundamental science of light, the need for investment in light-based technology to develop new applications, and the global necessity to promote careers in science and engineering in these fields.

  • Promote the importance of lighting technology and the need for access to light and energy infrastructure in sustainable development, and for improving quality of life in the developing world.

  • Raise awareness that technologies and design can play an important role in the achievement of greater energy efficiency, in particular by limiting energy waste, and in the reduction of light pollution, which is key to the preservation of dark skies.



Press release – S&I qualifies the C-WAVE for use with TriVista spectrometer

S&I qualifies the C-WAVE tunable laser for use with their TriVista spectrometer

The combination of a widely tunable spectrometer and widely tunable laser advances resonant Raman spectroscopy

WARSTEIN, April 29, 2021: S&I Spectroscopy & Imaging GmbH, a developer of high-performance spectrometers, today announced it has qualified the C-WAVE tunable laser from HÜBNER Photonics for use with their TriVista spectrometer system. The combination of the C-WAVE widely tunable continuous-wave (cw) single frequency lasers (covering wavelengths from 450 nm up to 3.5 µm) with the triple-grating spectrometer TriVista is expected to become a new standard for resonance Raman spectroscopy and microscopy.

“We are delighted to work with a renowned partner like S&I in order to help them advance the state of the art in resonance Raman spectrometers. The TriVista spectrometer with its exceptional resolution, sensitivity, and linearity over wide spectral ranges is a powerful instrument that revealed deep insights about the C-WAVE’s spectral performance. We are thankful for the excellent collaboration and the valuable feedback,” says Korbinian Hens, Chief Operating Officer and R&D Manager at HÜBNER Photonics Kassel.

“The combination of the TriVista spectrometer with the C-WAVE is a powerful and flexible solution for resonant spectroscopy methods, especially for the challenging low-frequency Raman range < 10 cm-1. The extremely narrow linewidth and very stable emission frequency of the C-WAVE paired with its outstanding spectral purity allows recording impressive Raman spectra: we were able to measure low frequency Raman bands at or below 5 cm-1 from the excitation wavelength even without filtering the excitation beam,” says Nils Timpe, Head of Sales at S&I.

For applications in Raman spectroscopy, most tunable lasers require elaborative filtering to suppress unwanted amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) which can cover the weak Raman signals. Cleaning up the laser’s emission spectrum can be challenging especially for the low-frequency Raman range close to the excitation wavelength. During qualification, the C-WAVE revealed no detectable ASE. Figure 1 shows a Raman spectrum of an L-Cystin sample recorded at excitation wavelengths of 455 nm and 520 nm.

C-WAVE with Trivista press release

Figure 1: Raman spectra of L-Cystine recorded at two excitation wavelengths employing the TriVista spectrometer from S&I with triple monochromator system (Teledyne Princeton Instruments Spectra Pro 750 HRS) in the high-resolution, subtractive mode with three gratings (2400 lines/mm), Princeton Instruments Pixis:256E detector cooled to -70°C (-90°F), and C-WAVE tunable laser from HÜBNER Photonics as the excitation source. The L-Cystin sample placed in a glass cuvette was measured in a non-confocal macro chamber at an incidence-angle of 60° to the resulting Raman beam path. The C-WAVE laser and TriVista spectrometer are shown to the right.

“The integration of the C-WAVE with our TriVista system went smoothly. The user-friendly software and automatic tuning functionality made it easy to control the laser. It is impressive that the C-WAVE’s beam position and pointing is so stable even after tuning over a range of 200 nm across the visible spectrum. This fact in combination with the perfect Gaussian beam profile reduces the complexity of the optical setup and helps speed up experimental work,” says Jannick Saatz, R&D engineer at S&I.

About S&I Spectroscopy & Imaging GmbH
S&I is a developer and manufacturer of high-end confocal Raman and photoluminescence spectrometer and microscope systems. Founded in 1995, by former Princeton Instruments employees S&I is headquartered in Warstein, Germany, and still closely collaborates with Teledyne Princeton Instruments in the Greater Boston Area, MA, USA, which manufactures and sells the TriVista spectrometers for the American and Asian market.

About HÜBNER Photonics
HÜBNER Photonics offers a wide range of single and multi-line lasers from Cobolt, the tunable cw-laser C-WAVE, and laser combiners for microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, LIBS, DLS, interferometry, nanophotonics and quantum research. These products help enhance human well-being and security, increase quality and efficiency in industrial processes and improve our environment. HÜBNER is headquartered in Kassel, Germany, with local sales and support offices in UK, USA and Sweden.

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